We Are The Unheard Academy returns to support female-identifying producers & songwriters

We Are The Unheard Academy returns to support female-identifying producers & songwriters

We Are The Unheard has announced the second round of the We Are The Unheard Academy (WATUA) programme, which is set to launch on September 19.

Founded by Women In Music Awards Roll Of Honour inductee Eve Horne to provide accessible training and development support to gender minorities and individuals from disadvantaged backgrounds, We Are The Unheard is now a PRS Foundation Talent Development Network Partner supported by PPL and has also received funding from PPL Giving.

With the initiative, WATUA says it hopes to: “guide participants from the beginner stage to a professional career, aiming to significantly increase the representation of female-identifying producers and songwriters in the music industry. Despite women comprising approximately 20% of all musical artists, only a mere 2% are music producers. 0.7% of those are women of colour.”

The year-long program includes three eight-week online Ableton courses (beginner, intermediate and advanced) taking participants through their development journey from grassroots to industry. The course also includes masterclasses delivered by industry experts on a range of specialist skills such as production techniques, funding, mental health and metadata. The programme culminates in an end of year event where participants can perform, network, collaborate and connect with industry professionals.

Speaking about the programme, its founder Eve Horne said, “I am incredibly proud and grateful to deliver this year-long development program to female-identifying and gender expansive producers. After successfully launching the Unheard Academy in 2022, It is crucial to me to continue to help change these dismal statistics so we can finally focus on the beauty of creating.”

In addition, WATUA has also partnered with Ableton, Music Minds Matter, Flare Audio and Neumann.

Joe Frankland, CEO, PRS Foundation, said: “After evolving the way in which we support non-profit organisations, PRS Foundation was excited to announce 73 organisations joining our Talent Development Network in 2024, which enables us to bring together those working at the frontline of music creator development in all genres across the UK. We Are The Unheard CIC’s work over the last few years has been exemplary. Eve Horne’s track record as an award-winning producer, songwriter and artist is matched by a passion for breaking down complex barriers for underrepresented music creators. We are proud to be able to support expert organisations like hers at a critical stage of growth, and when targeted action is most needed to forge a safer, more inclusive music sector for women and gender-diverse talent from all backgrounds. The Academy programme will continue to transform careers and we look forward to hearing the results.”

It's crucial to me to continue to help change these dismal statistics so we can finally focus on the beauty of creating

Eve Horne

Kate Reilly, chief membership & people officer, PPL added: “PPL is committed to helping create a more equitable, diverse and inclusive music industry and we are delighted to support We Are The Unheard Academy through PPL Giving and also PRS Foundation’s Talent Development Network. The programme will help ensure female, gender expansive and LGBTQIA+ artists and producers from across the UK will have the opportunity to take their talent to the next level and provide routes for them to building a sustainable music career and in turn, a more representative industry.”

To find out how you can sign up for the Academy, please apply via here.

Eve Horne was inducted into the Music Week Women In Music Roll Of Honour in 2022 – you can revisit her story here. 

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