Entries in 'MW Opinion' (112)

Why is the music industry always the bad guy in the rock biopic boom?

The power of one: Why the new breed of singer-songwriter might slow the co-writing revolution

Competition time: How everyone can be a winner in the UK music biz

Fjord focus: What Scandinavia tells us about the future of streaming in the UK

Free styling: What do Amazon & YouTube Music's free music services mean for the music business?

Universal gleam: What does UMG's soaring valuation mean for its sale process?

Just duo it: Why it now takes two to run a major music company

Never mind the revenues, profit is the real key to the music biz revival

Winning arguments: What the streaming rows tell us about the music biz right now

Labelled with love: Can you still build an iconic record label in 2019?

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